Allow me Madame, to engage in my nonsensical daydreamy #reveries once again I cycled from #Berlin to #Bratislava through Austria in the summers of 2014 And if I was to take such a mesmerising journey once again , I'd want to have you on a bike by my side ....and so the in the insane rush of natural beauty of Alps and the extreme sense of adventure and rush of adrenalin , there would be a dash of attraction and #sensuality in the this painting's #palette , completing all the pleasures a man could possibly want. There were times when the scene around me was so beautiful that I would just have to step to absorb the overwhelming power of the nature . Similarly , there would be times when I would have to stop and lead you to a lush green patch in the #Alps to devour you and try to do justice to the overwhelming surge of passion I had in me and feel you till we were exhausted. And then of course, once it's done we would resume the journey #quixoticquagmires #Prose #Amwriting #TravelJournal #QuixoticQuagmires #dildilli #Delhigram #Vasantkunj #delhidiaries #Instadelhi #vscodelhi #delhiwale
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